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kidd creek copper mine flow sheet

Kidd Operations
Kidd Operations. Located in Timmins, Ontario, we operate the Kidd Concentrator and the Kidd Mine, the world's deepest base-metal mine below sea level, mining at 9800 feet with Dec 18, 2020 (Therese Pettigrew) - The upper Kidd–Munro assemblage is host to the giant Kidd Creek Mine, associated with high-silica rhyolites and ultramafic volcanic rocks. Ontario Mineral Inventory Record MDI42A11NW00002: Kidd Creek Kidd Mine produces an average of 40,000 tonnes of copper and 70,000 of zinc annually. Kidd Mine is the world's deepest base-metal mine below sea level reaching 10000 feet. About Us - Glencore

XSTRATA COPPER’S KIDD OPERATIONS IN CANADA COMPLETE MINE EXPANSION. Xstrata Copper announces the completion of a CA$120 million (US$111 million) Kidd Mine or Kidd Creek Mine is an underground base metal (copper-zinc-silver) mine 24 km (15 mi) north of Timmins, Ontario, Canada. It is owned and operated by Swiss Kidd Mine - WikipediaKidd Mine is the world's deepest base-metal mine below sea level reaching 10000 feet. The mine also has the longest surface-to-bottom ramp in the world. Glencore transports Major Mines Projects Kidd Creek Mine

The Kidd Mine, owned by Glencore Inc. is the world’s deepest copper/zinc mine and second largest user of cemented backfill. It is located near Timmins Ontario. Lafarge was initially Kidd Creek Mine is the deepest active base metal mine in the world, extending to a depth of 3 km below surface. The mine operators and engineers have met the ongoing Kidd Mine dealing with the issues of deep and high stress mining 1999年1月1日 The Kidd Creek copper-zinc-silver deposit, situated in the Late Archean Abitibi greenstone belt of northeastern Ontario, represents one of the world’s largest and Discovery of the Kidd Creek Massive Sulfide OrebodyA Historical ...
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