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hammermill stolz xrf 116

Intro Stolz
The automation of the mill allows the handling of all the sensors and measures collected on the machine. These data are processed within the automaton itself and subsequently fed Features. Two-way direction of rotation up to 3600 rpm. Effective screening area from 0.45 to 2.20 m2. Quick change of hammers by tilting. Change of screens during operation. Hammermills - StolzFEATURES. Two-way rotation. Screen exchange when machine stopped. Speed 3000 rpm. Grinding chamber equipped with grooved armor plates. Hammers with high thickness.RME hammermills - Stolz

STOLZ has developed a new grinding / sieving concept in order to offer increasingly fine grinding solutions for specific feed formula for extrusion and meeting the users Optionally, STOLZ can provide its hammer-mill with a monitoring system of the bearings : • Continuous monitoring of vibrations • Reliable measurement by detection of impact noise Grinding and Milling - Stolz. Sa
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