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bou derga c iron ore project

FACTBOX: African iron ore projects Reuters
2008年10月13日 Sphere is also exploring for iron ore at Bou Derga and Tintekrate, close to Guelb el Aouj. ArcelorMittal signed a deal with SNIM in January to develop the El First Quantum Minerals Ltd. of Canada produced its first copper in concentrate from the Guelb Moghrein copper-gold mine in July 2006; commercial production began in October 2006. the guelb Moghrein Mine is located in the inchiri region near the town of akjoujt about 250 kilometers (km) northeast of nouakchott. the mine was expected to reach its designed capacity of 30,000 metric tons per year (t/yr) of copper concentrate by the first half of 2007. Measured and indicateMining in Mauritania - Wikipedia2023年12月25日 Baowu Resources, a subsidiary of China's largest steelmaker Baowu Group, has announced that the first shipment of iron ore from its Bomi project in Liberia Baowu's Bomi mine in Liberia ships first iron ore to China

非洲又有一个海量铁矿石资源正在被开发—中国钢铁 ...
2021年12月9日 自2013年以来的勘探了一块长度为85公里的铁矿区域,并且细分出了12个主要开发矿点,且都由碎屑型铁矿床(DID:Detrital Iron Deposits,由层状铁矿 2024年3月20日 Guinea New mines minister regains control of Simandou iron ore project. Appointed last week, Bouna Sylla has established himself as a key player in this major Simandou, Nimba and Zogota: the long and difficult road to the 2006年2月3日 Sphere Investments will assess the exploration potential of its Bou Derga and Tintekrate magnetite deposits in Mauritania, after receiving positive early indications Sphere to search for further iron ore deposits

Baowu Resources: Bomi Project Operational
2024年1月4日 Baowu Resources reached a significant milestone as the "Anchang" departed Freeport BMC Terminal in Monrovia, Liberia, carrying 46,000 metric tons of 2024年6月6日 Baowu Resources, Baowu Group's mineral resource company, shipped the first cargo of 46,000 tonnes of iron ore from its controlled Bomi mine in Liberia to China Baowu commissions Bomi iron ore mine in Liberia
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