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importence of vietnamn iron ore exports

Iron Ore in Vietnam The Observatory of Economic Complexity
In 2022, Vietnam exported $255k in Iron Ore. The main destinations of Vietnam exports on Iron Ore were China ($152k), Japan ($37.2k), South Korea ($17.6k), Belgium ($16k), The main destinations of Vietnam exports on Iron or steel articles were United States ($1.29B), Japan ($563M), Germany ($301M), India ($202M), and South Korea ($191M). Iron or steel articles in Vietnam - The Observatory of Economic 2023年5月17日 Vietnam ranked 21 st among the world’s top iron ore-producing countries in 2020. However, iron ore production accounts for a small amount of total iron ore reserves due to inefficiencies in extracting SPEEDA Iron Ore Mining Industry in Vietnam - 2023

Vietnam: iron ore exports 2019 Statista
2023年11月8日 In Vietnam, iron ore exports amounted to approximately 2.03 million metric tons in 2019. This was a significant increase from 2015, in which Vietnam exported approximately 270 thousand tons of...Vietnam imports of Iron ores and concentrates; non-agglomerated was $1,057,974.64K and quantity 11,347,000,000Kg. Vietnam imported Iron ores and concentrates; non Vietnam Iron ores and concentrates; non-agglomerated imports Vietnam Exports of iron and steel was US$8.19 Billion during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on international trade. Vietnam Exports of iron Vietnam Exports of iron and steel - TRADING ECONOMICS

In 2021, the steel industry should maintain its positive position, based on the following: 1) HRC price is expected to remain high, due to trade tensions between China and 2022年6月7日 As the scarcity of iron ore supply pushed prices up and Beijing is passing heavy restrictions to reduce emissions, the recovery in global steel demand have Export of iron and steel soaring sharply Mining Vietnam
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