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new gold mine in namibia

Osino Resources
2024年5月15日 Osino’s 100% owned Twin Hills Gold Project is a development-stage gold project in Namibia. In June 2023, Osino released a Definitive Feasibility Study (DFS) for its flagship Twin Hills project based on 2.94Moz reserves, outlining 13-year open-pit mine 2022年10月3日 Namibia is one step closer to getting its third and – measured by plant throughput – biggest gold mine with the completion by Osino Resources of a highly Positive PFS: Paves the way for new Namibian gold mine2022年11月1日 Canada’s Osino Resources has received a 20-year mining licence and positive environmental permitting review for its Twin Hills gold project in Namibia. The Osino gets 20-year mining licence for Namibian gold project

Osino Resources set to develop gold mine in Namibia
2022年9月7日 Canadian gold developer Osino Resources announced the prefeasibility study of its Twin Hills gold project in Namibia confirms the project is set to become a viable open pit gold mine that will support 2022年9月7日 Canadian gold developer Osino Resources announced the prefeasibility study of its Twin Hills gold project in Namibia confirms the project is set to become a viable open pit gold mine that will support Osino Resources set to develop gold mine in Namibia2023年9月20日 Osino’s Twin Hills gold project – potentially Namibia’s next gold mine – has entered the front-end engineering and design (FEED) phase. Osino’s President and Osino’s Twin Hills gold project edges one step closer to production

Namibia B2Gold-Osino deal reshuffles Namibia gold deck
2022年1月12日 On 6 January, Canadian junior Osino Resources announced that it had signed an agreement with Namibia's leading gold miner B2Gold to purchase the 2022年1月6日 TSX-listed gold exploration and development company Osino Resources has entered into an agreement to acquire the Ondundu gold exploration property, in Osino acquires Namibia gold project from B2Gold for $15.2m
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