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platts iodex iron ore price assessment explained
IODEX - Iron Ore Price assessment SP Global Commodity Insights
What is IODEX? Platts Iron Ore Index, or IODEX (IODBZ00), is a benchmark assessment by SP Global Commodity Insights of the spot price of physical iron ore. The Commodity Insights旗下的品牌 Platts铁矿石指数,即IODEX(IODBZ00) ,是对铁矿石实物现货价格的一项基准估价。 该项评估基于标准的铁矿石粉矿规格,即含铁量62%,氧 IODEX铁矿石:金属估价 SP Global Commodity InsightsPLATTS IODEX Market-leading daily iron ore price assessments What is Platts IODEX? Platts assesses the daily transaction value of seaborne iron ore sold in the spot market PLATTS IODEX
While indices, such as the benchmark IODEX assessment, do a great job of reflecting the price of iron ore as a whole, market participants have been looking for ways to adequately reflect the price difference that naturally Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (Platts) Discover a more efficient solution for hedging Iron Ore price exposure against marginal cost of production swings and supply-side price Iron Ore 62% Fe, CFR China (Platts) Overview - CME GroupPlatts assessments are based on fact and performance: transactions are verified, and performance of deals is monitored 普氏估价以事实为基础: 核实各项交易的真实性,并监 Benchmark assessment of iron ore (IODEX) - the ICE
IODEX 普氏铁矿石指数 SP Global Commodity Insights
Platts铁矿石指数,即IODEX(代码IODBZ00),是每日新加坡时间下午5:30对中国进口铁矿石海运现货价值的基准评估。 铁矿石价格每日发生波动。 通过在特定时间进行评 Platts methodologies are designed to produce price assessments that are representative of market value, and of the particular markets to which they relate. Methodology Methodology and specifications guide Iron ore
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