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法语助手法汉-汉法词典 moulin是什么意思_moulin的中文 ...
法汉-汉法词典. n.m. 1. (磨谷物用的)磨;磨坊;面粉厂. moulin à vent风磨, 风车. moulin à eau, moulin hydraulique水磨. apporter [faire venir] de l'eau au moulin de qn为某人的磨盘注水 [指在经济上资助某人或在辩论时为某人提供论据] se battre contre des moulins à vent同假想的敌人作战. On ne ...2001年5月9日 红磨坊日日歌舞升平。夜总会,康康舞,这是个男人们花天酒地的享乐国度。然而,这儿的爱情,却无比纯净动人。 克里斯蒂安(伊万麦戈雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)是年轻的钢琴诗人,拥有美丽的歌喉。不...红磨坊 Moulin Rouge! (2001) - 豆瓣电影English Translation of “MOULIN” The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.English Translation of “MOULIN” Collins French-English

MOULIN translate French to English - Cambridge Dictionary
moulin. noun. mill [noun] a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. a coffee mill. a pepper mill. (Translation Moulin, (French: “mill”), a nearly cylindrical, vertical shaft that extends through a glacier and is carved by meltwater from the glacier’s surface. Postglacial evidence of a moulin, also called a glacial mill, is a giant kettle, or, more properly, a Moulin Glacial, Crevasses, Cirques BritannicaThe Moulin Rouge, a spectacular world exists where all the emotions, surprises and effervescence, that constitute the Paris party spirit since 1889, are created and experienced.Moulin Rouge (Official Website) - Booking at +33 (0)1 53 09

moulin是什么意思_moulin怎么读_moulin翻译_用法_发音 ...
moulin怎么读? 新东方在线字典为用户提供单词moulin的释义、moulin的音标和发音、moulin的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词moulin。Dive into the 134-year history of the Moulin Rouge, Paris’s spectacular cabaret. Explore its vibrant performances, musical films, cultural impact and enduring allure. The showMoulin Rouge: Immerse Yourself in the French Cabaret’s 2020年2月23日 Want to lean about Paris' most famous cabaret? Sit back and enjoy the show as we walk through the dazzling history of the Moulin Rouge.Moulin Rouge: Explore the Dazzling History of Paris' Most

Moulin Definition Meaning - Merriam-Webster
The meaning of MOULIN is a nearly cylindrical vertical shaft in a glacier scoured out by meltwater and rock debris pouring into it.法汉-汉法词典. n.m. 1. (磨谷物用的)磨;磨坊;面粉厂. moulin à vent风磨, 风车. moulin à eau, moulin hydraulique水磨. apporter [faire venir] de l'eau au moulin de qn为某人的磨盘注水 [指在经济上资助某人或在辩论时为某人提供论据] se battre contre des moulins à vent同假想的敌人作战. On ne ...法语助手法汉-汉法词典 moulin是什么意思_moulin的中文 ...2001年5月9日 红磨坊日日歌舞升平。夜总会,康康舞,这是个男人们花天酒地的享乐国度。然而,这儿的爱情,却无比纯净动人。 克里斯蒂安(伊万麦戈雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)是年轻的钢琴诗人,拥有美丽的歌喉。不...红磨坊 Moulin Rouge! (2001) - 豆瓣电影

English Translation of “MOULIN” Collins French-English
English Translation of “MOULIN” The official Collins French-English Dictionary online. Over 100,000 English translations of French words and phrases.moulin. noun. mill [noun] a machine, sometimes now electrical, for grinding coffee, pepper etc by crushing it between rough, hard surfaces. a coffee mill. a pepper mill. (Translation MOULIN translate French to English - Cambridge DictionaryMoulin, (French: “mill”), a nearly cylindrical, vertical shaft that extends through a glacier and is carved by meltwater from the glacier’s surface. Postglacial evidence of a moulin, also called a glacial mill, is a giant kettle, or, more properly, a Moulin Glacial, Crevasses, Cirques Britannica

Moulin Rouge (Official Website) - Booking at +33 (0)1 53 09
The Moulin Rouge, a spectacular world exists where all the emotions, surprises and effervescence, that constitute the Paris party spirit since 1889, are created and experienced.moulin怎么读? 新东方在线字典为用户提供单词moulin的释义、moulin的音标和发音、moulin的用法、例句、词组、词汇搭配、近反义词等内容,帮助大家掌握单词moulin。moulin是什么意思_moulin怎么读_moulin翻译_用法_发音 ...Dive into the 134-year history of the Moulin Rouge, Paris’s spectacular cabaret. Explore its vibrant performances, musical films, cultural impact and enduring allure. The showMoulin Rouge: Immerse Yourself in the French Cabaret’s

Moulin Rouge: Explore the Dazzling History of Paris' Most
2020年2月23日 Want to lean about Paris' most famous cabaret? Sit back and enjoy the show as we walk through the dazzling history of the Moulin Rouge.The meaning of MOULIN is a nearly cylindrical vertical shaft in a glacier scoured out by meltwater and rock debris pouring into it.Moulin Definition Meaning - Merriam-Webster
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